Mona Lisa dětem

the Foundation for Children with Cerebral Palsy
Trutnov, Česká Republika

DUHA, the Foundation for Children with Cerebral Palsy

Extract from the foundation register: 

Press release on the start of Společnost DUHA support in international aid called "Migrant - Asylum Crisis"

Společnost DUHA is fully aware of the seriousness of the issue of refugees, the so-called migrant crisis, where the migratory pressure has certainly not dropped. Although Europe is clinging to a fortress, it provides one of the last hope for a better life for a whole number of people affected by military conflicts, ethnic cleansing ... It is necessary to help those people who live in provisional conditions already on the territory of the EU, especially Italy, Greece and France. This assistance should be in the form of a supply of high-quality food, clothing, medicines, spare dwellings, and all in the spirit of humanity on the one hand and respect for security principles on the other. Here we talk about refugees who do not fall under the "economic refugee" category. At the same time, however, we must unite in helping to solve the causes of such migration, ie resolving conflicts beyond Europe, in the countries of origin of refugees, creating conditions for a safe life at home, in their own country, for the restoration of destroyed countries, not only to provide food aid but also medical services, building health facilities, schools, homes themselves ... This task is solvable. Without unification, without financial assistance, without solidarity and personal outlook, we Europeans will not be able to.

Since the beginning of 2016, Spolecnost DUHA has been involved in effective assistance in Italian and Turkish Refugee Refuge Centers. DUHA is able to guarantee the use of funds received, can guarantee direct assistance that will not be misused to support terrorist cells, groups that will not be misused to enrich individuals, groups at the expense of the refugees concerned.
Spolecnost DUHA is able and willing to work with renowned international humanitarian organizations and government agencies to address this issue, as it is necessary to proceed in a certain economic, security and systemic unity regardless of political considerations. So how do these issues describe President Macron in France, or Chancellor Merkel in Germany.
Spolecnost DUHA appeals to this foreign humanitarian appeal to all those who are not the fate of refugees indifferent to the request for help, leading to the solution of this serious problem. Although we want to or do not want to, we prevent other conflicts and attacks on our personal comfort, our overall security in Europe ... The current refugee crisis and its solution is the key to addressing the safe life of the present generation. It is our integral duty to ensure a safe life for our children ...
Funds are collected on established accounts in CZK, USD, EUR in Komerční banka a.s.
Contact data of the Foundation. Spolecnost DUHA, Nadace pro deti postizene mozkovou obrnou, Kpt. Jarose 324, 541 01 TRUTNOV, Czech Republic, ID: 15039188, (entry to the e-gateway), e-mail: